Javascript code comment specification

1. Grammar

1.1 Explanation of notes

Write in the first line of the comment block.

 * events-function(This is the description of the comment)
 * @description Switching audio playback status (play/stop)
togglePlay: function() {
    // Omit other codes...

1.2 Tags


/** @function */
function fn() {


1.3 Description of the label

 * @constructor Student - Students
 * @param {string} name - Student's name
 function Student(name) {

1.4 Type

 * @param {string} a Must pass parameters
function fn(a, b, c) {


1.5 Optional parameters

 *  @param {string} a 
 *  @param {number} [b] Optional parameters
function fn(a, b) {


1.6 Parameters have default values

 *  @param {string} a Must pass parameters
 *  @param {number} [c=666] Parameters have default values
function fn(a, c) {


1.7 Link

 * See {@link MyClass} and [MyClass's foo property]{@link MyClass#foo}.
 * Also, check out {@link|Google} and
 * {@link GitHub}.

2. Example

2.1 Function

 * Convert time strings to time objects
 * @function _str2time
 * @param strTime {String} - e.g "2017-02-13 10:02:58" or "2017-02-13" or "9:10"
 * @param type {String} - e.g date, dateTime, time
function _str2time(strTime, type) {
    // Omit other codes

2.2 Classes/Constructor

 * Timer
 * @class Timer

function Timer() {
    this._timeId = 0;
    this._eventId = -1;

    this.eventHandler = {
        'stop': {}

     * Whether the timer is in the stop state
     * @memberof Timer
     * @member stopped
     * @instance
    this.stopped = true;

     * Start Timer
     * @memberof Timer
     * @instance
     * @method start
     * @param {function} handler - Functions to be called on each execution of the timer
     * @param {number} interval - Timer execution time interval
    this.start = function (handler, interval) {
        this.stopped = false;
        let _recursion = function() {
            this._timeId = setTimeout(() => {
                    .then(() => {
                        if (this.stopped) {
                    .catch(err => {
                        this.stopped = true;
                        if (err) throw new Error(err);
            }, interval)

     * Stop Timer
     * @memberof Timer
     * @instance
     * @method stop
    this.stop = function () {
        this.stopped = true;

 * Listening to events
 * @memberof Timer
 * @instance
 * @method on
 * @param {string} type - Event Type  e.g 'stop'
 * @param {function} fn - Event handling functions
 * @return {number} eventId - Event handler Id for unlistening
Timer.prototype.on = function (type, fn) {
    let _eventId = || ++this._eventId;
    this.eventHandler[type][_eventId] = fn;
    return _eventId;

 * Trigger events
 * @private
Timer.prototype._trigger = function (type) {
    let handlerMap = this.eventHandler[type];
    for (let key in handlerMap) {

 * Cancel listening to events
 * @memberof Timer
 * @instance
 * @method off
 * @param {string} type - Event Type  e.g 'stop'
 * @param {function} target - Event handling function Id or function name
 */ = function (type, target) {
    let _target = (typeof target === 'function') ? : target;
    delete this.eventHandler[type][_target];

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