Tag Java

Java converts PPT slides to HTML

This article uses Java program code as an example to show how to convert PPT slide documents into HTML files through format conversion. The PPT slides here can be in formats such as .ppt Code realization idea : [Load PPT slide file]-[Save…

Retrofit is simple to use

Retrofit is a network request library based on OkHttp encapsulation, a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. Retrofit requires at least Java 8+ or Android API 21+. The github website of Retrofit is Retrofit basic settings Create request…

Kill Feign, Spring Cloud Square component release

Speaking of the Spring Cloud ecology, everyone must be familiar with Feign. As shown in the figure below, Feign can hide the request of the bottom layer (okhttp, httpclient) Rest and pretend to be a Controller similar to SpringMVC. You…