Category other

LiveData+DataBinding bi-directional binding

The demo to do is to enter a page, using the viewModel in the LiveData data, the input box to modify, through two-way binding, LiveData data also changed, in the time of submission, directly submit the LiveData data can be.…

Using JetPack No Navigation

Navigation directly translates to navigation, and is one of the Android Jetpack components that makes single-activity applications the preferred architecture. The jumping of Fragment pages within the app is handled by Navigation, eliminating the need for developers to deal with…

docker-compose install and configure jenkins

1. Preparation Create the folder /opt/docker-home/jenkins/jenkins_home and configure the folder permissions. 2. docker-compose.yml Create the file docker-compose.yml under the /opt/docker-home/jenkins file with the following configuration. 3. Start Check the file /opt/docker-home/jenkins/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword after starting, this is the password after initialization, which…

CRUD of MyBatis

1. namespace The package name in the namespace must be consistent with the package name of the Dao/Mapper interface. 2. Select id is the method name in the corresponding namespace. resultType is the return value of Sql statement execution. parameterType…

Kotlin vs Flutter, how should I choose?

In terms of mobile application development, Kotlin and Flutter are currently two hotter technologies. Among them, Kotlin was developed by Jetbrains and later strongly supported by Google, while Flutter was independently developed by Google itself. Judging from the current official…

Debug the internal process of Docker container

This article uses the Nebula Graph process as an example to explain how to debug the process as if it were locally without destroying the contents of the original container or installing any toolkits in it. 1. Demand In the…